Package A
studying untill late night, burning midnight oil till 3am @ till subuh prayer-at 4.20am and getting earlier.
Then after performing solah, and Al Mathurat(if I not fall asleep) go to sleep until 6.30 @ 7am and get ready to go to school(university)
Sometime @always I'll sleep after asar to compensate.
As I'm practicing this, I have more time n focus to study.
Sometime @always I'll sleep after asar to compensate.
As I'm practicing this, I have more time n focus to study.
Package B
Early sleep, after isya-at 9.20 and getting more late. And some revision for todays' lecture, go to sleep about at 10pm, and wake up at 2am for study.
Some nap on the evening.
As I'm practicing this, a little bit sleepy, and lost of focus.
i've been practising package B all the time and it goes great to me but a snooze at noon is important!
ps/ it's been real good when it is exam time.
الراي التاني احسن
لان النوم بدري والصحيان بدري جميل جدا وبيفرق بجد وبعدين عودي مخك على انه يكون فايق فتره الصباح لانك هتمتحني لحظه الصباح
نصيحتين كمان يرب يجيبوا نتيجه كل ماتبداى مذاكره اقراى فى المصحف حتى صفحه واحده
وكمان صلى ركعتين قضاء حاجه ربنا يسرلك المذاكره ويباركلك فى الوقت
يارب يكرمك ويعز بيكي الاسلام والمسلمين
حقيقه شرفت جدا بمعرفتك
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